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更新时间:2025-03-17 08:29:54
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bring down的反义词


1. cut down on
make a reduction in

e.g. reduce your daily fat intake
The employer wants to cut back health benefits

Synonym: reducecut downcut backtrimtrim downtrim backcut

2. impose something unpleasant

e.g. The principal visited his rage on the students

Synonym: inflictvisitimpose

3. cause to be enthusiastic

e.g. Her playing brought down the house

4. move something or somebody to a lower position

e.g. take down the vase from the shelf

Synonym: lowertake downlet downget down

5. cause to come to the ground

e.g. the pilot managed to land the airplane safely

Synonym: landput down

6. cause the downfall of
of rulers

e.g. The Czar was overthrown
subvert the ruling class

Synonym: overthrowsubvertoverturn

1. 使(政府或当权者)垮台
When people or events bring down a government or ruler, they cause the government or ruler to lose power.

e.g. They were threatening to bring down the government by withdrawing from the ruling coalition...
e.g. His challenge to Mrs Thatcher brought her down.

2. 射落;击落;击倒
If someone or something brings down a person or aeroplane, they cause them to fall, usually by shooting them.

e.g. Military historians may never know what brought down the jet.

1. 打倒,挫伤;降低:bring about 带来,造成 | bring down 打倒,挫伤;降低 | bring forth 产生,提出

2. bring down什么意思

2. 降低:bring back归还 | bring down降低 | bring forth提出

3. 打倒:bring down the persimmon 得奖 | bring down 打倒 | bring fame to 带来名声

4. 使落下,打倒;降低,减少:bring about 导致,引起 | bring down 使落下,打倒;降低,减少 | bring forth 产生,提出

Banks are still under pressure to bring down the size of their balance-sheets.(为了减小资产负债表的规模,银行仍然满负压力。)
Liberals would do almost anything to bring down the Fox News Channel.(自由人士会不择手段来打压福克斯新闻频道。)
And the hunter — wants to successfully track and bring down a target.(狩猎者——想顺利的追踪并能够捕获目标。)
Unfortunately, Printwell has been unable to bring down the cost of manufacturing a printer.(不幸的是,Printwell一直无法降低打印机的生产成本。)
Step 5: Bring down the cluster on Informix 11.50.(步骤5:关闭Informix11.50上的集群。)
So the question is, can we bring down the cost?(所以关键是我们能否降低成本。)
A major earthquake can topple huge buildings and bring down entire mountainsides.(一次大地震足以倾倒大厦,撼平山坡。)
Han Xin, the leader of an army, wanted to bring down a king.(韩信是军队的首领,他想推翻一个君主。)
Iran, for instance, has consistently argued against doing anything to bring down prices.(例如,伊朗就一贯反对采取降低价格的任何举动。)
Yet I, too, have resisted the idea that food shortages could bring down not only individual governments but also our global civilization.(然而,我也反对这样一种观点,即粮食短缺不仅会拖垮个别国家的政府,还会波及全球文明的发展。)
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